Alexander Van der Bellen - Wikipedia
Alexander "Sascha" Van der Bellen (German: [alɛkˈsandɐ fan deːɐ̯ ˈbɛlən]; born 18 January 1944), also referred to by the abbreviation VdB, is an Austrian politician serving as the …
Alexander Van der Bellen – Wikipedia
Alexander Van der Bellen als Bundessprecher der Grünen im Wahlkampf vor der Nationalratswahl in Österreich 2008. Mit Beginn der XIX. Gesetzgebungsperiode am 7. …
The Federal President of the Republic of Austria — Austria in USA
Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen was inaugurated as the Federal President of the Republic of Austria on January 26, 2017, and re-elected in October 2022 for a second six-year term. As a member …
Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen
1 sudoku puzzle is part of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen’s morning coffee routine. Six years is the term of office of the Federal President. He/she is elected directly by the …
Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen Geboren am 18. Jänner 1944 in Wien. Verheiratet mit Mag.a Doris Schmidauer. Aufgewachsen im Kaunertal und Innsbruck, Tirol. Eltern: Van der Bellens Mutter …
Professor Präsident – Stationen im Leben von Alexander Van der Bellen
Aug 10, 2018 · „Meine Heimat ist Tirol, Wien, Österreich und Europa“, sagt Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen. Eine kleine Reise durch Länder, Jahrzehnte und das Leben.
Alexander Van der Bellen - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Alexander Van der Bellen (born 18 January 1944) is an Austrian politician and economist. He is the President of Austria since 2017. He won the 2016 election after multiple court battles and …
Alexander Van der Bellen facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia
Jan 11, 2025 · Alexander "Sascha" Van der Bellen ( born 18 January 1944), also referred to by the abbreviation VdB, is an Austrian politician serving as the president of Austria since 2017. …
Alexander Van der Bellen - Wikipedia, frjálsa alfræðiritið
Alexander Van der Bellen (f. 18. janúar 1944), er austurrískur stjórnmálamaður og hagfræðingur sem hlaut kosningu til forseta Austurríkis í desember 2016. Van der Bellen er fyrrverandi …
Alexander Van der Bellen - Wikiwand
Jan 6, 2024 · Alexander "Sascha" Van der Bellen, also referred to by the abbreviation VdB, is an Austrian politician serving as the president of Austria since 2017. He previo...