TotalEnergies - integrated multi-energy company
TotalEnergies is a global integrated energy company that produces and markets energies. We provide the energy the world needs: ever more affordable, more sustainable, more reliable and …
Total is Transforming and Becoming TotalEnergies
Paris, May 28, 2021– At the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, shareholders approved today, almost unanimously, the resolution to change the company’s name from Total …
homepage | TotalEnergies Careers
A long-standing player in the energy sector, an integrated multi-energy company (oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity) and a global industrial company, …
Total se transforme et devient TotalEnergies
May 28, 2021 · Total devient donc TotalEnergies et ancre dans son identité, sa stratégie de transformation en compagnie multi-énergies. A l’occasion de son changement de nom, …
Our Company | TotalEnergies.com
Discover the identity, ambition, strengths and expertise of TotalEnergies, a global integrated multi-energy company.
Our history - TotalEnergies
By changing our name to TotalEnergies in 2021, we have ensured that our identity reflects the strong ambition driving our Company at the dawn of our new century, namely to be a world …
Our Identity | TotalEnergies.com
We produce and market energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our purpose is to provide as many people as possible with energy that is more …
TotalEnergies, pioneers for a Hundred Years
A new identity that embodies the company's transformation into a multi-energy company (oil, gas, electricity, hydrogen, biomass, wind, solar) and its ambition to become a major player in the …
Compagnie multi-énergies intégrée - TotalEnergies.com
TotalEnergies est une compagnie multi-énergies intégrée mondiale de production et de fourniture d’énergies : pétrole et biocarburants, gaz naturel et gaz verts, renouvelables et électricité.
Homepage | TotalEnergies Algérie
Total 2 Présent sur les cinq continents, TotalEnergies emploie plus de 98 000 collaborateurs et exerce ses activités dans plus de 130 pays. Acteur majeur de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière …