How Does Starlink's Phased Array Antenna Track Satellites …
Nov 25, 2020 · A phased array antenna system configured for communication with a satellite that emits or receives radio frequency (RF) signals and has a repeating ground track in a first direction, the antenna system includes a phased array antenna including a plurality of antenna elements distributed in a plurality of M columns oriented in the first ...
What Happens When Using Long-Wave Frequencies with Starlink …
Jan 4, 2021 · The Starlink antenna uses microstrip patches on a ground plane so the radiation pattern is confined to a hemisphere. Such elements have maximal amplitude at broadside and fall to zero along the array plane, so the pattern is shaped more like a teardrop.
Antenna Amplitude: Factors Affecting Wave Size - Physics Forums
Apr 6, 2005 · It is useful to think of the equivalent circuit of the antenna as a series circuit it comprises 4 parts L C R1 R2 , R1 is the radiation resistance , R2 is the loss resistance L and C are the inductive and capacitive elements . Ideally L and C tune out if the signal frequency matches the antenna type and configuration .
Designing elliptical patch antenna using superstrate in CST
Dec 9, 2011 · Hello, I'm trying to improve the gain of my antenna using superstrate. I read a few journals regarding this topic but i could not determine the thickness of the superstrate needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks..
Confusion with dB equation - 10 or 20? - Physics Forums
Oct 7, 2012 · how do you know when to use dB= 20log(ratio of input/output quantities) or dB=10log(ratio of output and inout). voltage seems to be 20, power seems to be 10... but how about when doing Fourier transforms and you want to …
Calculating the required motor size to move a load. - Physics Forums
May 14, 2013 · Think about this. You could have a slot, i.e. the path, where your mass would move. At each end, put a spring
Difference between G-force and Grms - Physics Forums
Sep 26, 2012 · I am currently doing a vibration analysis using a random vibration machine which gives Grms value based on Power Spectral Density (PSD) plot using Fast Fourier transform(FFT). Before I ran the test on my specimen, I tried to characterise the vibration using a DDSR board (accelerometer)...
How can you measure frequencies in the human body? - Physics …
Jan 26, 2017 · That does sound kind of something woo-woo describing what you have heard or read as a misrepresentation by someone that everything has a natural frequency, and a healthy body has a rhythm in tune with the yada yda.
Electric Field Produced by a Finite Charged Wire - Physics Forums
Jun 7, 2017 · Homework Statement A charged wire of negligible thickness has length 2L units and has a linear charge density λ. Consider the electric field E⃗ at the point P, a distance d above the midpoint of the wire. What is the magnitude E of the electric field …
How to build a Faraday cage to keep a WiFi signal inside?
Apr 23, 2019 · I'm working on a wifi device testing box and made the first prototype of the Faraday cage. I need holes because of cooling. For this reason, the box has 3mm diameter holes on the top. The box made from steel, and have 2mm wall thickness. The wavelength around 12,5 cm for 2,4 GHz and 6 cm for...