March Birthstones | Aquamarine & Bloodstone Meaning - GIA
The bloodstone birthstone is typically a dark-green cabochon that contains red spots of iron oxide, the “blood” that brings health and strength to the wearer. Read on to learn more about these …
June Birthstones | Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone Birthstones - GIA
The June birthstones are pearl, alexandrite and moonstone. With so many attractive options, individuals with June birthdays can have a birthstone that fits their mood or budget, due to the …
Birthstones | Birthstone by Month - GIA
Aquamarine and bloodstone are the two birthstones for March. One evokes blue skies and calming waters while the other represents health and strength. Learn more about these two …
December Birthstones | Tanzanite, Turquoise, Zircon Birthstones
Tanzanite, Turquoise and Zircon are the three birthstones for December. These December birthstones are mined around the world and all have their own unique take on the color blue, …
March Birthstones | Aquamarine & Bloodstone Meaning - GIA
Aquamarine and Bloodstone are the two birthstones for March. One evokes blue skies and calming waters while the other represents health and strength.
Birthstones | Birthstone by Month - GIA
Aquamarine and bloodstone are the two birthstones for March. One evokes blue skies and calming waters while the other represents health and strength. Learn more about these two …
Birthstone Flipchart - GIA Store
Celebrate the birthstones of each month with this full-color desktop flipchart. With a separate page for each birthstone, educate your customers on the colors, geographic sources, and mineral …
October Birthstones | Opal & Tourmaline Birthstone Information
Opal and tourmaline are the two birthstones for October. Both of these gemstones are known for their endless color combinations. Learn more about these two birthstones for October and …
GIA Celebrates Birthstones
An exhibit of bewitchingly beautiful gems, “GIA Celebrates Birthstones” showcases the diversity of GIA’s museum collection and unlocks the mysteries behind the meaning and symbolism of …
三月生日石 | 海蓝宝石和血石的意义 | GIA
三月的两种生日石海蓝宝石和血石在外观上有着很大的差异,但在庇佑人们幸福安康这方面,二者都享有盛誉。海蓝宝石生日石让人想起大海的颜色。从深绿-蓝到淡弱绿蓝色的色彩,刻面海 …