What is a positive crossover sign of the hips bilaterally?
Mar 23, 2015 · Hip Impingement: A "cross-over" sign is a radiographic finding suggestive of abnormal development of the hip socket, known as the acetabulum. The presence of a crossover sign can lead to the diagnosis of "pincer-type femoral acetabular impingement" or fai for short.
signs that my sinus infection is clearing up? - HealthTap
Mar 29, 2020 · Fever, congestion: If your symptoms, such as fever and congestion, are going away, those would be signs of recovery.
is bruising sign of healing of metatarsal fracture | HealthTap
Is bruising sign of healing of metatarsal fracture A member asked: I am a 43yo male and fractured the fifth metatarsal of my left foot 4 weeks ago. swelling is still massive and xrays yesterday show no signs of healing. should i still have massive swelling after 4 …
hard and solid lump under my right nipple. is this male breast …
Apr 11, 2012 · It depends.: It could be many things. If you are entering puberty, male breast developmant can be a possibility, especially if it is in the other breast, but it would not be expected to be hard.
Online Diabetes Doctor | Diabetes Treatment | HealthTap
Prediabetes doesn't usually show symptoms, though one potential sign of prediabetes can be darkened skin on some parts of the body. These areas include the neck, elbows, knees, knuckles, and armpits. These areas include the neck, elbows, knees, knuckles, and armpits.
is excessive gas associated with colon cancer? | HealthTap
Feb 14, 2019 · Late symptom: As a sign of colon cancer, gas and bloating are late symptoms. An obstruction caused by a tumor could lead to bloating and the trapping of gas within the colon. If you have a family history of colon cancer, genetic polyp disorders or are concerned about your risk of colon cancer, talk to your doctor about scheduling a colon cancer ...
why does my right hand always gets colder than my left
Sep 28, 2016 · Circulation problem: You have to see your doctor for physical examination of your arm and see the patency of radial , ulnar or brachial arte
what causes bulging vein/ artery in neck with visible pulse? is it a ...
Jun 30, 2017 · when you are lying down, these vessels are more prominent and the veins often become difficult to see when you are upright. if your vessels are more prominent than normal (a doctor's physical exam is needed), it can be a sign of a more serious vascular condition, but if you are otherwise healthy, that is very unlikely
how long does it take for signs of wound infection to appear after ...
Mar 21, 2018 · After Gallbladder surgery I noticed a big red circle after surgery near incision, is it a sign of infection? Endocartitus staph infection 5 debridements flap surgery what precautions to take to heal? How often does the wound or surgical site should be evaluated by for infection and/or if the wound is properly healing after the surgery?
What does it mean if your leukocyte value is 1+? - HealthTap
Nov 7, 2015 · Possible infection: Assuming this is a urinalysis, it means you have a few white blood cells, which could signify infection or inflammation