Dean B. Ellis Library - Arkansas State University
Your tax deductible gift, regardless of size, helps the Dean B. Ellis Library continue to provide quality resources and services to A-State students and everyone else who uses our library.
A-Z Databases - Arkansas State University
The Traveler Statewide Resource project is made possible by a grant from U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Arkansas State Library under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.
About the Library - Arkansas State University
The A-State Library is a campus leader in promoting critical thinking and information literacy. Librarians work with academic departments to provide course-related bibliographic instruction sessions and embed in both traditional and online classes.
Frequently Asked Questions - Arkansas State University
For how long can students check out library materials? All students may check out books for 30 days and media for 14 days. For more information see the Access & Delivery Services Policies page.
Students Guide to the Library: Home - Arkansas State University
Dec 5, 2024 · Welcome to the A-State Library! Library Mission Statement: We are a teaching Library. Our vital information resources and skills advance the university community's pursuit, development and sharing of knowledge. We are here to help you succeed.
OneSearch: Introduction - Arkansas State University
Nov 20, 2024 · OneSearch is a library tool that allows you to search several library resources at once, including the Library Catalog, research databases, streaming video, and more. It's your "one search" to finding books, scholarly articles, magazines, newspapers, and video.
Requests & Forms - Arkansas State University
Librarians can visit your class, either online or in person, to instruct your students on a wide variety of research skills and library resources. Once you've completed the form, a librarian will contact you to make arrangements for your class.
Hours of Operation - Arkansas State University
The library plays a vital role in your academic studies. Our hours are designed to maximize student accessibility. Our electronic resources are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Library Floor Plans - Arkansas State University
[email protected] Phone: 870-972-3077 Postal Address: P.O. Box 2040 State University, AR 72467
Dean B. Ellis Library - Arkansas State University
Library services at Arkansas State University are provided through a single central library - the Dean B. Ellis Library, located in the center of campus. Students (onsite or online) in all programs use the Dean B. Ellis Library for access to all library collections, equipment, and services.