Senior BJP leader Uma Bharti, who arrived in Prayagraj on Monday to take part in the Maha Kumbh, congratulated Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for the grand arrangements for the world’s ...
Mahakumbh Nagar, January 13: Senior BJP leader Sadhvi Uma Bharti, who arrived in Prayagraj on Monday to take part in the ...
Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj is filled with spirits of joy and devotion as Mahakumbh is set to begin tomorrow, January 13. Lakhs ...
Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj is filled with spirits of joy and devotion as Mahakumbh is set to begin tomorrow, January 13. Lakhs ...
The budget of Maha Kumbh is estimated to be around Rs 6,382 crore. It is expected to generate a revenue of Rs 25,000 crore ...