The Sonya Massey Commission will meet for the first time Monday night for a listening session with community members.
Ben Crump and families whose loved ones were killed by police are calling for change. Sonya Massey's relatives joined those ...
Jesus said that he is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus is with us in truth. And the truth is that Haitians are not ...
An Episcopal church in Oregon that successfully fought a city ordinance limiting its homeless feeding ministry has won a $400 ...
The Sonya Massey Commission was created to address systemic issues in law enforcement practices, mental health responses, and ...
Family members of Breonna Taylor, Tyre Nichols, and Sonya Massey are uniting in support of the George Floyd Justice in ...
The national rebuke of police killings is not dwindling down as the families of individuals whose lives were lost in recent ...
Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump and the families of Breonna Taylor, Tyre Nichols and Sonya Massey call once again for ...
The family of Sonya Massey is in Washington with civil rights attorney Ben Crump. They are meeting with the Congressional ...
The families of Breonna Taylor, Tyre Nichols and Sonya Massey traveled to Washington, D.C., Friday to urge Congress to pass ...
The family members of victims of police violence, including Sonya Massey, Breonna Taylor and Tyre Nichols, urged Congress to ...
The presence of Nichols’, Massey’s, and Taylor’s families at the conference served as a demand for accountability and justice ...