Digital education companies rush into schools offering various digital education packages, but almost none of them offer ...
When the Bandung-based underground hip-hop collective Homicide released its second album Barisan Nisan (Rows of Headstones) ...
The first focus is that the government must continue to create job opportunities and encourage foreign direct investment in ...
Experts have called for caution over the government's ambitious plan to import dairy cattle in its push to achieve milk ...
A rushed law revision might allow Prabowo Subianto to build a big-tent coalition government after he is inaugurated on Oct.
ith millenials and Gen Z comprising over 25.87 percent and 27.94 percent of the Indonesian population respectively, their ...
Electoral rivalries have carried over into a takeover scandal at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) ...
The race to become Indonesia’s next foreign policy chief has intensified after Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi announced ...
Achieving high-income status requires prioritizing the primary potential sources of Indonesia’s economic growth, such as the ...
Having everyone, or almost everyone, on board, may make for greater political expediency, at least from a president’s point ...
Soccer referee Eko Agus Sugih was accused of favoreing PON host Aceh in the chaotic match -- which eventually ended with him ...
Bowing to pressure from archaeologists and other like-minded stakeholders, the government has postponed its plans to install ...