A major new study co-authored by Professor Stefan Doerr, Director of the Centre for Wildfire Research, at Swansea University ...
A partnership between Swansea University and two institutions in Houston, Texas, which has delivered benefits for students ...
This is an introductory module to the structure and function of the human body and how it is affected by disease, delivered with a focus on healthcare science. This module will give practitioners the ...
As well as encouraging local businesses and organisations to welcome people seeking sanctuaries into their activities, City of Sanctuary also runs the Better Welcome to Swansea mentorship scheme.
Roedd Prifysgol Abertawe'n hynod gefnogol yn ystod y broses glirio, gan ateb fy holl bryderon a chwestiynau, yn enwedig gan fy mod yn trosglwyddo o brifysgol arall. Cefais fy nenu at y lleoliad hardd ...
Mae ffioedd presennol ar gyfer graddau ymchwil wedi eu rhestru yma. Adolygur y ffioedd yma’n flynyddol ac rydych yn cael eich hannog i wirio’r dudalen yma’n rheolaidd i weld y ffigyrau diweddaraf. Mae ...
Swansea University is a diverse and welcoming workplace, valuing people for their skills regardless of their background. Applications are welcome in Welsh and will not be treated less favourably than ...
Rwy'n ymchwilio i wahaniaethau rhyw a dewisiadau perthynas o safbwynt esblygiadol. Mae fy mhrosiectau ymchwil cyfredol yn cynnwys ateb y cwestiynau: Pa briodoleddau sy'n ddeniadol i bartner mewn pobl?
One of the most pressing and sensitive questions in elite sport is whether transgender and DSD athletes should be eligible to compete in the female category, or if there is a need to adapt our ...
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys dysgu ac ymddygiad, camddefnyddio sylweddau a chaethiwed ymddygiadol. Yn benodol, mae gen i ddiddordeb yn rolau ymwybyddiaeth perfformiad ac ymddygiad a reolir ...
Mae Dr Cinzia Gianetti yn Athro Cysylltiol mewn Peirianneg Fecanyddol. Mae ymchwil Cinzia wedi'i llywio gan frwdfrydedd dros ddatblygu technolegau a dulliau arloesol a all greu effaith drawsnewidiol ...