I am a computer scientist, and in particular a theoretician, using mathematics in order to explore the power and limitations of computers, as well as to understand other areas and sciences from a ...
One part of my research deals with how a fluid loses its ability to flow. This can happen, for example, to a supercooled liquid as the temperature is lowered so that it becomes increasingly sluggish ...
I seek to understand how atmospheric gases, clouds, and aerosols regulate the planetary greenhouse effect, solar radiative heating, and climate. As a postdoctoral fellow I identified the greenhouse ...
Throughout my scientific career I have--in addition to a few digressions--been engaged in the study of the ecology and physiology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms and their role in aquatic ...
Professor Nix obtained his B.S. degree in Metallurgical Engineering from San Jose State College, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, respectively, from ...
I am a developmental psychologist, specializing in children's cognitive development. My subspecialty is "theory-of-mind" development -- the acquisition during childhood of knowledge or beliefs about ...
Throughout my career I have studied split-brain and other types of neurologic patients, in an effort to understand both the functional lateralization in the human brain and how the cerebral ...
As a molecular virologist with an interest in digestive diseases, I use viruses that infect gastrointestinal cells to understand viral and host factors that affect pathogenesis. I have studied two ...
Since 1958 when starting graduate school at Northwestern University, my interests have encompassed cell biology, and photosynthesis. One of the major emphases has been the discovery and description of ...
My laboratory studies the mechanisms by which genes contribute to differences in food intake and body weight. In the absence of the hormone leptin, humans and other mammals become massively obese.
My primary research is in partial differential equations (PDE). Many of the problems I deal with are called free boundary problems: One wants to solve a PDE in a domain, subject to boundary condition, ...
Bob Glaeser is a biophysicist and structural biologist who grew up in Wisconsin, where he obtained a batchelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. After completing the Ph.D. in ...