The first verse of ‘We are marching in the light of God’ is sung followed by the Blessing and Dismissal from the chancel step, and then the whole congregation go out singing the rest of the hymn. At ...
What do Christians believe? Turning to Christ explores the heart of Christian belief through the six questions asked at baptism.
It’s always a great privilege to be asked to deliver a eulogy at a funeral of someone you knew. It’s an opportunity to tell the story of the person you all knew and loved, and to share something of ...
I offer mentoring to those seeking God’s way forward as they partake in the discernment process for ordination and in the time after a BAP whether that leads to ordination or not. I like to bring ...
“Mixed ecology will look different in every place. What we see in Suffolk is happening in Rochester where I am leaving, in Leicester where I am going and all over the country, reflecting the diversity ...
For use in all Churches and Chapels within this Realm, every Year, upon the Anniversary of the day of the Accession of the Reigning Sovereign, or upon such other day as shall be appointed by Authority ...
Download and order copies of our Education publications. If you would like printed copies of any of our publications, please use the webform at the bottom of the page. The cost is £5 per copy, ...
Our second #FaithAtHome Collective Worship episode of series two focuses on the question of how do we know we are loved? And includes a moving word piece titled ‘Identity’.
Upon these Feasts; Christmas Day, the Epiphany, Saint Matthias, Easter Day, Ascension Day, Whitsunday, Saint John Baptist, Saint James, Saint Bartholomew, Saint Matthew, Saint Simon and Saint Jude, ...
This week’s Faith at Home episode explores the theme of VULNERABILITY, with prayers, reflections, activities and fun from student leaders in Derby and special features from HeartSmart, Prayer Spaces ...
To experience the best that the Church of England website has to offer, you need to enable JavaScript in your browser's settings. Turnon.js provides guidance on how to activate JavaScript for your ...
Our sixth Faith at Home episode for Church Leaders focuses on the theme of Kindness – reflections, prayers, thoughts, fun and ideas to try at home - featuring contributions from children and young ...