I’m a program director, storyteller, filmmaker, father, and lover of life. Staying curious about the world is my superpower.
Philadelphia drumline leader Tony Royster came to StoryCorps to remember when he first fell in love with music.
One Small Step (OSS) continues to meet with success in Richmond with over 500+ conversations! The momentum speaks to the ...
Emma Torres and her husband Rogelio both grew up in migrant farmworker families. Emma’s family worked picking strawberries and cutting lettuce, while Rogelio’s family focused on citrus fruits, such as ...
In a divisive time, we need togetherness more than ever. So, Butterball and StoryCorps invite you to help us build the first-ever #NationalThanksgivingArchive. Whether it’s someone you love talking to ...
When Ms. Colombia, née Oswaldo Gomez, arrived in New York City in 1975, she had just completed her law degree in Spain. Originally from Colombia, she came to New York seeking a more open society. She ...
Michael Garofalo (MG): We’re coming up on another anniversary of the September 11 attacks. And in this episode, I’m going to tell you about something we’ve been doing here at StoryCorps for a little ...
Johnny Itliong grew up in the California grape fields in the 1960s. His father Larry Itliong was a migrant farmworker and a leader of the Delano Grape Strike. As a kid, Johnny spent his days lending a ...
Gwen and Yasir weren’t the type of couple that liked to run marathons, at first. As hardships pulled their lives in unexpected directions, running became their best— and sometimes only— way of ...