In the shooting northwest of Hebron, Iswed murdered police officers Hadas Brentz (53), Arik Ben Eliyahu (37), and Roni ...
Two days ago, after Palestinian terrorists detonated 2 car bombs and Israel discovered a third car with explosives hidden in ...
Training abroad the Palestinian national football team wears scarves with a map of “Palestine” that erases Israel ...
PMW report on the PA paying 9,750 terrorists at least 59,560,000 shekels a month is “incitement” according to the PA ...
Mother shouts: " Praise Allah! We are proud and consider them [my sons] Martyrs with Allah. We consider them Martyrs with Allah. Praise Allah! ... Man: "How many Martyrs"? Mother: "Four, and I'm proud ...
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: “If the [Israeli] scenario [from the Gaza Strip] will be transferred to the West Bank, the goal will ...
Abbas’ advisor: “Palestine gives its blood abundantly for the nation of Islam” Abbas’ advisor urges holy war in Israel’s city of Ashkelon: “The land of Palestine is a land of… Jihad until Judgement ...