De-facto authorities in the Russia-occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region have reacted to the ruling Georgian Dream leader ...
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s press release states: “The United States is today imposing a broad array of ...
Журналист Давид Гобечия и активистка движения «Ҳара ҳ-Пицунда» Лия Агрба подверглись нападению и физическому насилию 15 ...
During the process of passing the foreign agents’ law, mass protests and civil activism shook the ruling government’s grip on legitimate power but not on the state’s repressive apparatus. Despite ...
Премьер-министр Армении Никол Пашинян находится в Грузии. В здании правительства состоялась официальная церемония встречи, ...
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is visiting Georgia. The official welcoming ceremony was held at the Government ...
They [the opposition] are now hiding behind their names as if the discussion is about them [the heroes] being the ones who ...
At the special briefing on September 16, Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili announced the impending coalition of two ...
После возвращения из Польши проживающего в Грузии белорусского журналиста Андрея Мялешко не пустили в страну. Информацию ...
Министр иностранных дел Грузии Илия Дарчиашвили находится с официальным визитом в Иорданском Хашимитском Королевстве. 15 ...
On September 16, Georgian watchdogs issued condemnatory statements regarding the Tbilisi City Court’s decision to authorize ...
Michael Roth, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, is visiting Georgia on September 16-17. From ...