Measles is a highly contagious respiratory illness spread by contact with an infected person through coughing and sneezing.
A major measles outbreak in Texas has expanded to include 146 people in the state, along with nine more cases in New Mexico.
The measles outbreak in Texas highlights the importance of vaccinations as health officials urge immunization to curb the ...
The measles vaccine—which is technically the measles, mumps, and rubella or MMR vaccine—is usually administered during ...
HHS secretary RFK Jr. considered vitamin A as a CDC-recommended therapeutic for supportive measles care. Public health and ...
Physicians respond with masks, telehealth, parking lot clinics, and pleas to parents to vaccinate their children.
To some, it might have looked like the notoriously anti-vax Health and Human Services secretary was finally moderating in the ...
Pediatricians and public health experts said they’ve seen a surge in requests for “bonus” doses of measles immunization ...
Vaccines are the answer, and trusted leaders must persuade, not coerce, their followers on the issue. | Opinion ...
Measles had struck this West Texas town, sickening dozens of children, but at the Community Church of Seminole, more than 350 ...
Measles is a disease that should be a relic of the past with vaccination. But now a child is dead from a disease that is entirely preventable.
Those at Sanford say a person who gets the measles can end up spreading it to another 15 to 20 people. This outbreak is ...