California, the epicenter of the U.S. homelessness crisis, is cracking down on people living outside like never before, ...
The City Councils of Chula Vista and National City are adopting bans on homeless encampments on public property following ...
No doubt Florida was prompted to act after witnessing scenes from cities — San Francisco and Seattle — where neighborhoods ...
Peskin says he joined the race to keep San Francisco a “beacon” for the artists, creatives, immigrants and LGBTQ+ leaders who ...
San Francisco, CA – Today Mayor London N. Breed announced that San Francisco’s increased investment in shelter has accelerated its planned shelter rollout, and that she has directed the Department of ...
The City of Martinez voted to pass new rules to crack down on homelessness. Martinez followed multiple cities across the Bay Area, such as Berkeley and Palo Alto, in updating their rules on how to ...
The Martinez City Council unanimously approved an ordinance on Wednesday to clear out homeless encampments, even if a shelter is not available.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed has announced plans to double the city’s goal for homeless shelters and temporary housing. Increased investments in the ...
A ban would see San Diego County’s second-largest city join the ranks of cities adopting harsher restrictions on homeless ...
The city's initiatives to clear people off the streets comes after a ruling in June by the U.S. Supreme Court that provided local governments with broad authority to remove homeless encampments. In ...
The California city of Norwalk has extended its ban on homeless shelters despite the threat of a legal action from Governor ...
The award-winning journalist was covering an encampment sweep in Oakland on Tuesday when she was arrested on trespassing charges.