A Gundam anime, by the team behind Neon Genesis Evangelion, topped the Japanese box office, ahead of its American debut.
Dragon Ball DAIMA makes the final push into the First Demon World, but an impending reunion could spell disaster for Goku and ...
Sparking Zero has had a rocky few months. Though many characters were released in a state that some fans considered unacceptable, there's no denyin ...
Taboo Review! The Demon Realm Ginyu Force is introduced, Neva reveals his true power, AND Goku arrives in Demon World 1 of ...
A brand new patch has released for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, bringing a new game mode, and some key buffs and nerfs.
I am FINALLY making Goku's FAVORITE Meal and this one is amazing. Simple, easy to make, delicious. Like Goku's hair.
Dragon Ball Daima has proven to be a gem so far, and fans are absolutely loving the direction this story has been taking.
While anime characters rely on their innate abilities, if they are put in a hand-to-fight, the winner will most likely be the Hokage of Konoha, Naruto ...