January and February were dreary for sea turtles, which washed up cold-stunned on Florida coasts in huge numbers. However, last year's nest numbers are giving hope for some species.
January and February were tough for sea turtles, who were washing up cold-stunned on Florida coasts in huge numbers. However, ...
These numbers are especially critical for loggerhead sea turtles and green turtles, which increasingly rely on Florida for nesting grounds. FWC says Florida beaches host around 90% of all ...
Gulf World Marine Institute took in 1200 cold-stunned sea turtles last month. They care for acute cold-stunned turtles, who are rescued in mass quantities and are ...
Here’s which Florida beaches you can drive on this spring break, how much driving passes cost and when spring break is for Florida students.
Following years of safety concerns, new boating restrictions were approved this month for a popular waterway in Palm Beach ...
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) provides guidelines for safe beach driving to minimize harm to wildlife during sea turtle and sea bird nesting seasons. Spring break is ...