The film showcases military history through scenes at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied ... of women in war, from Revolutionary War nurses to female soldiers in World War I and II.
In the opening hours of World War II, in the early morning skies over Poland, both the Axis and the Allied side had aerial victories and aerial “firsts”, some involving unlikely and obscure ...
The writing has been on the wall for some time, but our allies have been reluctant to read it. The United States, long the guarantor of the post-World War II liberal international order ...
Eighty years ago, during World War II, the United States operated full-scale military operations worldwide while planning how ...
I remember how, a day after 9/11, the ships of our allies began assembling in the Arabian Sea to support us. Likewise, we need to support Ukraine.
In 1944, months before the Allied powers secured their final victory ... What followed is generally regarded by posterity as one of World War II’s most dramatic diplomatic episodes.
The sixth annual World War II Living History Weekend will take place ... The event's main focus will ultimately show how the Allied powers defeated the Axis powers in Europe and Asia.