First debuting in 1986, "Watchmen" is the beloved superhero murder mystery comic created by writer Alan Moore (who infamously ...
James Gunn’s comments suggest Watchmen won’t be part of the DCU’s immediate plans. Gunn prioritizes originality, viewing ...
With The Dark Knight Returns, Miller emphasizes the darkness just hinted at in previous superhero comics, permitting other creators to push the envelope when even dealing with flagship characters.
There’s good news for the intimidated. While the movies based on Marvel or DC characters get most of the attention, superheroes published by independent companies have also made it to the big screen.
Scott Wilson grew up obsessed with superheroes, but he never saw his own culture in the comic books he'd get lost in. "When I was a kid, my favourite superhero was Wonder Woman. I'd twist a bath ...
There was a time this offseason, after the Buffalo Bills traded Stefon Diggs, in which the popular narrative was that Buffalo's window as a Super Bowl contender might be closed. It's not.
Pictures. In his signature style, James Gunn takes on the original superhero in the newly imagined DC universe with a singular blend of epic action, humour and heart, delivering a Superman who ...
From the writers and directors of Tales from the Borderlands and The Wolf Among Us, Dispatch is a superhero workplace comedy set in modern day Los Angeles. You play as Robert Robertson ...
The game follows a washed-up superhero (played by Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul) working an office job, dispatching his fellow superheroes as he works to regain his own status as a hero.