The four-minute sketch, which aired during the show’s Dec. 21 episode, relentlessly skewered the Charles Schulz animated classic while making several adults-only jokes.
Discover why the animated classic "A Charlie Brown Christmas" almost never appeared on television because of fears it was too serious.
CBS executives thought the 25-minute program was too slow, too serious and too different from the upbeat spectacles they imagined audiences wanted.
He gets rocks instead of candy during trick ‘r treating, he gets hoodwinked into hosting an unwanted ‘friendsgiving’, and his ...
I’ve got a wonderful musical remix here for you to enjoy of A Charlie Brown Christmas. The video takes Charlie Brown’s classic musings about the true meaning of Christmas from the animated special and ...
Charlie Brown sighs and continues walking, alone. He comes upon Snoopy decorating his doghouse with Trump paraphernalia. The ...
The holidays are upon us and BroadwayWorld is continuing our favorite annual tradition of celebrating the holiday season with ...
But you may have noticed it hasn't been on network TV in years. The special traditionally aired on channels like CBS, ABC and PBS until the show's rights were purchased. Have no fear. You can still ...
Today, as we play catch up on the calendar, we look at how the first Peanuts Christmas comic strips helped to spotlight just ...
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" offers insight into how a difference, a disability, may actually be a unique ability—if we ...
MILTON, Vt. (WCAX) - Milton residents are searching for the annual Charlie Brown Christmas tree in the hopes of adding an ornament of their own. “‘There it is!’ I was like a kid in a candy ...