A monumental tomb found near Corinth has revealed several burials, along with artifacts reflecting its later use as a healing ...
Hidden for more than two millennia, the Le Câtillon II hoard is the largest Celtic coin trove ever discovered. But was it a ...
POLICE have uncovered a creepy well-preserved mummy hidden in an alleged smuggler’s house after a shock raid. The mummy is thought to be that of a Christian person from the Middle Ages.
Niğde governor Cahit Celik praised the mummy’s recovery in a statement given to local Turkish news outlets while thanking ...
The Bank of Hindostan, General Bank of Bengal and Bengal Bank became the first banks in India to issue paper currency in the ...
Coin weights were the pocket-sized guardians of fair trade. Before modern banking, coin weights ensured fair transactions and ...
The ancient Greeks and Romans built astonishing monuments like the Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and while only the Great Pyramid of Giza remains intact, we’ve ...
Athens' oldest coins were created from silver originating around the world, a study suggests, revealing an unknown ancient ...
Fundamental analysis evaluates the factors influencing the supply and demand of precious metals, such as global economic ...
An incredible marble statue of Hermes, the messenger of Zeus, along with statue fragments of other ancient Greek deities have ...
See it →Metal detectorist unearths ancient gold item — and stuns experts in Germany. See it All parts of the pot were found broken, but in good condition, as are the items hidden inside ...