The Suez Canal is prepared to operate at maximum capacity, welcoming maritime services from major shipping lines, as global ...
The new stretch of the Suez Canal near Egypt's Little Bitter Lake will be operational in the first quarter of this year, the ...
Der 30. "Kleist-Förderpreis für neue Dramatik" geht in diesem Jahr an Miriam Unterthiner und ihr Stück "Blutbrot". Das gaben das Kleistforum und die Stadt Frankfurt (Oder) am Mittwoch bekannt.
Die Worte des Ehemannes werden in Milisavljevićs Stück «Staubfrau», das als Auftragsprojekt des Zürcher Schauspielhauses in der Matchbox im Schiffbau uraufgeführt wird, später noch mehrmals ...
These include another 25 oil tankers that were stationary around various locations, including off Iranian ports and also near to the Suez Canal, ship tracking analysis showed on Monday.
These include another 25 oil tankers that were stationary around various locations, including off Iranian ports and also near to the Suez Canal, ship tracking analysis showed on Monday. India needs ...
These include another 25 oil tankers that were stationary around various locations, including off Iranian ports and also near to the Suez Canal, ship tracking analysis showed on Monday. Some ports ...
These include another 25 oil tankers that were stationary around various locations, including off Iranian ports and also near to the Suez Canal, ship tracking analysis showed on Monday. (Reporting by ...
Als Donald Trump 2016 zum US-amerikanischen Präsidenten gewählt wurde, schrieb Jelinek das Stück "Am Königsweg", das Falk Richter am Hamburger Schauspielhaus auf die Bühne brachte.
These include another 25 oil tankers that were stationary around various locations, including off Iranian ports and also near to the Suez Canal, ship tracking analysis showed on Monday.
Lashing out at Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal for dismissing Sindh's objections to the canal project as "baseless", the PPP drew attention to the widespread protests across Sindh against the ...