A research team led by Prof. Gao Xiaoming from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...
Old Remains of 'Red Princess of the Silk Road' Reveal Rare Belief That Souls Resided in Teeth The Silk Road, a huge network ...
Cellular metabolism plays a critical role in various physiological and pathological processes. High resolution imaging of ...
The APS has combined its March Meeting and April Meeting into the Global Physics Summit, the largest physics conference in the world ...
More than 50 million people worldwide live with epilepsy, with approximately half of them being children. For about one-third ...
More than 50 million people worldwide live with epilepsy, with approximately half of them being children. For about one-third ...
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has received a three-year, $2,999,998 million grant from NASA to identify and ...
ReactRaman is a probe-based instrument that can monitor crystallization processes and reveal reaction mechanisms and kinetics ...
According to a comprehensive report from The Insight Partners, "Molecular Spectroscopy Market share and Forecasts 2022 - 2030, Global and Regional Share, Trend, and Growth Opportunity Analysis By ...
The red pigment and binder present on the surface of the teeth were analyzed using techniques including Raman spectroscopy, X ...
Recently, the research team led by Dr. HUANG Qing from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of ...
Fraunhofer researchers have developed sensor systems and measuring equipment that detect leaks in hydrogen lines and tanks.