Since 2023 more nutria have been taken from Fresno County than any county in California, according to CDFW data. In the ...
According to The Independent, a trail cam in Ewhurst Park in Hampshire, England, caught an amazing sight — a mother otter and ...
Yellowstone is home to some of North America's most iconic wildlife, including the Big Five. Here's what you need to know ...
It’s quadruplets! Visitors to the Long Island Aquarium may now see four otter pups in their outdoor habitat. The pups, two ...
Human-beaver conflicts surfaced concerning vegetation and tree damage, safety concerns of tripping over stumps of felled trees, blocked road culverts, and flooding, which potentially undermines ...
Sponsored by Rep. Andrew Myers, R-Tonka Bay, H.F. 791 would designate Castoroides ohioensis, better known as the giant beaver ...
Desper Dobbs yelled, “That’s messed up,” after he heard about the 50-year-old piece of litter a Limestone County Extension Service agent said she found during a recent walk near the Tennessee River.