Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau said on Friday the government is reviewing fees and charges for public hospital services, including charging for such services as CT scans and MRIs to prevent abuse.
The vivaCT 80 offers the largest field-of-view (80 mm) and the best resolution (5 µm) in its category and is hence the most versatile scanner for the in-vivo X-ray micro computed-tomography ...
The low X-ray dose allows serial measurements of individuals. Whole-body scans or scans from selected regions of mice can be made, while head and hind limbs of larger rodents can be scanned using ...
Hong Kong is considering charging patients separately for CT and MRI scans at public hospitals, as part of a reform that, according to authorities, will improve the use of medical resources.
A patient presented to the emergency department having fallen backwards onto a wooden knitting needle which broke, leaving only a small entry wound. The top CT scan (fig 1A) showed a linear low ...