Going out to eat? See which Marion County restaurants were rated best by inspectors, and which failed the test.
According to the Census Bureau, in percentage terms, the Ocala metro area — which is all of Marion County — ranked No. 1 for ...
A Michigan snowbird was arrested on a drunk driving charge after reporting herself to the Florida Highway Patrol for crashing into a gate at a nature preserve.
Two young girls are lucky to be alive after being stranded on their paddle board overnight in the waters off Cedar Key. The Levy County Sheriff’s office reported the girls missing Monday evening after ...
The battle for a local congressional seat is luring musical star power and spawning personal insults between the two major party candidates.
Deputies arrested Jacob Hartzell, 27, after they say he blocked traffic, stripped off his clothes and threw rocks at cars, ...
Sheriff’s deputies say Brian Brockett, 31, tried to run from authorities, setting off a search involving K-9 units and ...
Florida’s Republican-controlled Legislature is training its eyes again on city and county governments, with dozens of bills ...
There are a growing number of local governments across the state already considering the removal of fluoride from drinking ...