Q: In March and April there are little mounds of red dirt all over my lawn. I have seen little yellowish bees going down in the mounds. What do you suggest I use to eliminate the bees? — Gracie ...
One summer day in 2018, Sam Droege lowered his net and scooped up a few small bees buzzing around the blossoms of a chinquapin, a shrubby member of the chestnut tree family. Droege, a wildlife ...
A recent survey found an average loss of 62% of bee colonies among commercial operations in less than a year. Causes and ...
JFAC members voted unanimously to approve a one-time request to transfer $40 million from the state’s general fund to the ...
Asking for an unnecessary bailout to the tune of millions of dollars from California homeowners will be my tipping point as a State Farm customer.
Local beekeepers are keeping an eye on the massive colony losses in the state. They're not too concerned of colony loss in the area, but it is on their radar as the loss of bee affects the vegetation.