NorthWestern Energy is starting a major project to upgrade the spillway of the Black Eagle Dam on the Missouri River.
Modernized changes to long-held operating procedures at the dams walling Lake Oroville and New Bullards Bar Reservoir in ...
This month’s edition of “The Maine Monitor Radio Hour” features a panel discussion about the future of Maine’s dams, including the dams on Silver Lake, Alamoosook Lake, and Toddy Pond.
The learners are scattered across 3 sub-locations of 58 villages, which experienced both total and partial relocation of ...
Access to a long-awaited alternative water source for much of Southwest Missouri, including Joplin, has been approved.
How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
Two men lost their lives after jumping into the rushing water near South Carolina's Wateree Dam to save a 13-year-old who fell in.
An autopsy confirmed it took only a matter of seconds for both 43-year-old retired U.S. Navy veteran, Lonnie Hancock and ...
Kershaw County Sheriff Lee Boan praised the two men during a press conference on Monday, calling their actions heroic and ...
KERSHAW COUNTY, S.C. — Two men who drowned in the Wateree River last Saturday lost their lives in an act of heroism, Kershaw ...
The second victim in a search across the Tail Race portion of Wateree River has been found. The victims have been identified ...
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources divers recovered two drowning victims from Lake Wateree on Sunday.