Darren Till sets his sights on Jake Paul, calling him a "proper boxer" and pushing for a high-profile boxing clash in England ...
The gorilla press slam is one of the most powerful moves in wrestling. The following pro wrestlers did the move better than ...
One of the fun aspects of wrestling is when celebrities get involved. However, some celebrities have embarrassed themselves ...
The musician altered the lyrics to the biting Boarding House Reach track during his concert in Boston last month ...
An iron-stomached speed eater broke a Guinness World Record by eating 25 Carolina reaper chili peppers in 4 minutes and 36.26 ...
Gorilla Technology Group (GRRR) dropped 17% after a new report from The Bear Cave that's cautious on the company.
When you reach the area with the baby birds and unhatched egg, have Mio switch into her gorilla form. To the right of the birds is a small plateau. Head up there, then jump and grab onto the pink ...
And yet, Cheetozard isn’t actually the most expensive Flamin’ Hot Cheeto to date. That honour goes to a 1.5-inch Cheeto ...
Trump's volte-face in (lack of) diplomacy is nothing short of 21st-century appeasement and while we all want peace, we know through history where this leads. And nowhere more so than in Bridgwater in ...
It's well known that President Trump is a devotee of professional wrestling. Pundits often describe his moves in the White House in wrestling terms: smackdowns, cage fights and so on. We ask how the ...