The giant blue-grey sei whales have made a triumphant return to the waters off Argentina's Patagonian coast, more than a century after relentless hunting drove them to the brink of extinction in ...
Whales are a group of mammals that live in oceans. They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the ...
Where are all the baby blue whales? Scientists may have finally cracked the mystery - Blue whale calves are rarely seen with ...
Scientists dive into the genomes of whales, elephants, and other animal giants looking for new weapons in the fight against ...
Talking about large marine animals always leads to thinking about the books of Jules Verne, the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies, the books that led to films such as 'Jaws' and al ...
Did you know that whales help keep the ocean healthy by spreading nutrients far and wide? These massive creatures don’t just ...
We were primarily on the lookout for blue whales – the giants of the planet, reaching as much as 110 feet in length. Castañon asked another captain as we pulled out of the marina where the ...
Well, blue whale biologists, looks like you’d better grab your wooly hats and scarves for your next study – you’ve got some giant babies to find.
This enormous specimen is the biggest of the 80 million that Museum staff care for, and the giant currently greets visitors to the Museum from the ceiling of Hintze Hall. The blue whale is suspended ...