By Melissa Price Kromm North Carolina stands at a precipice. Our state government is no longer a part of a functioning democratic system — rather, it is becoming an electoral autocracy and falling ...
Progressive groups in Miami accused the Florida Legislature of illegally gerrymandering Latino voting districts. As of this ...
Illinois Republicans are claiming another small victory in their lawsuit over the state’s legislative district map. The ...
Democrats are understandably tempted to solve their current predicament in traditional fashion—confront Trump with a new ...
The Court decided an identical case two years ago. But every voting rights case that reaches this Court is dangerous.
Elon Musk has set his sights, and spent tens of millions of dollars, on being involved in national and international ...
Alabama AG Steve Marshall led an amicus brief arguing vote dilution claims are insufficient to justify so-called “racial ...
Letters: Do better for dog attack victims. You lost me at "Christian conservative." Republicans are disrespecting the people ...
If our representatives in Washington D.C. do not address these overreaches by the President and his allies, then our rights ...
Introduction: Gerrymandering has long been a contentious issue in electoral politics, shaping the way legislative districts ...
She went toe-to-toe with Republican leaders to oppose what she saw as unconstitutional gerrymandering of voting districts and to defend the state's Black history, at a time when Republican Gov. Ron ...
Daniel Magleby and Michael D. McDonald have written this draft for ELJ. Here is the abstract: The Roberts Court has turned over efforts to limit gerrymanders to politics and willing state courts.