Festivus is a wacky holiday popularized in a 1997 “Seinfeld” episode. Billed as “Festivus for the rest of us,” the holiday is ...
Gather round the Festivus pole! To paraphrase the impeccable Frank Costanza, ‘I got a lotta problems with you phones, and now you're going to hear about it!’ While I’m sure there will be ...
the Festivus pole, and, of course, the feats of strength daring anyone to test whether they have the grip strength of a golden eagle. Despite sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-50s ...
After an appearance on “Seinfeld” in 1997, the pole took on a life of its own as the embodiment of the anti-holiday spirit. By Tim Heffernan Let’s make a Festivus pole. We’ll be recreating ...
Now for the “feats of strength, Joe should carry the Festivus pole with him as a symbol of his half century in government. So Happy Festivus Joe Biden. Ralph Miller Will Ralph Miller ever learn ...
Instead of a pole, his family celebration featured a clock and a bag. (O’Keefe has said his father won’t disclose what they symbolized.) What do you eat at a Festivus dinner? The official ...
According to the tradition, during the Festivus family dinner, everyone publicly shares ways they've been disappointed by family members during the last year, as an “airing of grievances.” There is no ...
Here's everything you need to know Festivus, the "Seinfeld" holiday celebrated on December 23 that is a reaction to the ...
The fictional holiday is typically celebrated on Dec. 23, and Festivus came to us from the writers of ‘Seinfeld’ television ...