Festivus is a wacky holiday popularized in a 1997 “Seinfeld” episode. Billed as “Festivus for the rest of us,” the holiday is celebrated by the Costanza clan on Dec. 23 as an all-inclusive, secular ...
Frank Costanza's alternative holiday has its roots in the real-life memories of one of the show's writers, long before "Seinfeld" made it famous.
Festivus 2024 is almost over! Here’s what it is, how to celebrate and how the “Seinfeld” version of the holiday differs from its real-life inspiration.
(O’Keefe has said his father won’t disclose what they symbolized.) What do you eat at a Festivus dinner? The official Festivus dish is meatloaf, according to the "Seinfeld" episode titled the ...
And all of that hardly scratches the surface. When celebrating Festivus, the most significant part of the holiday is at the celebratory dinner when the “Airing of Grievances” takes place.