O’Donnell + Tuomey has created a striking form for the dance organisation at the emerging East Bank cultural complex in ...
Predvsem se družimo, prinašamo dobro letino. Ko se v tem pustnem času družimo, se tudi mi sprostimo in ljudem prinašamo veselje in srečo," je povedala Eva Gašperšič, njihova umetniška vodja. Kot ...
Veliki rotarijski ples bo vodila priznana televizijska in radio voditeljica Klara Eva Kukovičič. Del prihodkov prodaje vstopnic in srečelova rotarijci namenijo dobrodelnosti. V 35-letni zgodovini ...
RIBA Yorkshire Jury Chair Gayle Appleyard, Director of Gagarin Studio said: "The Yorkshire region is home to a wonderful mix of people across cities, towns and rural communities, so it’s encouraging ...
The Wave in Sheffield is one of the projects shortlisted for the RIBA awards Seven projects, including a futuristic factory and the remodelling of what is purported to be England's largest parish ...
Schemes in Wilmslow, Windermere and Heswall complete the list. A RIBA judging panel will visit each shortlisted scheme before North West winners are announced later this spring. Winners will then be ...
OMA’s much-delayed and over-budget Aviva Studios in Manchester is among seven projects competing for this year’s RIBA North West Regional Awards The 7,000-capacity arts venue designed by Rem ...
Please view our advertising policy and product review methodology for more information. Taiwan-based airline EVA Air is giving its premium economy cabin a face-lift, and bringing the mid-tier cabin to ...
Meanwhile, June will see the introduction of a three-day Renovation Roadmap retreat at the same once dilapidated villa, held in collaboration with Riba-registered architect Catherine Finkernagel.
RIBA Regional Director of London, John Nahar, said: “There is such a diverse range of work in this year’s selection, from the restoration of some of London's most recognised landmarks, to high quality ...
Private homes and social housing have been recognised alongside some of the capital’s most recognisable landmarks on the shortlist for this year’s RIBA awards. Projects on the 78-strong list ...
When India gained independence in 1947, the nation faced a decision that would determine the course of its architectural future: brick or concrete. A seemingly mundane choice of material was ...