Research on the use of cannabis by persons with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder clearly demonstrates that ...
Research shows that certain foods really can help with depression and stress. Here’s why—and which foods help most.
The blues and the jitters are very common among people battling chronic pain, a new evidence review says.About 40% of ...
Studies show that eating oranges daily, regular exercise, and certain medications can lower depression risk by up to 40%, ...
Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3s, antioxidants, and vitamin E, all of which play a role in maintaining brain ...
Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, with individuals cycling between periods of intense energy and ...
Individuals with depression may exhibit heightened reactions to both positive and negative social interactions, including ...
Mood support gummies provide a convenient way to boost your mood and feel your best. By considering factors such as potency, ...
Hormones influence mood and metabolism Learn how imbalances affect emotions weight and overall health and how to restore ...
An orange a day, regular moderate-to-vigorous exercise, and GLP-1 drugs for diabetes treatment have all been linked to a ...
Kanna belongs to a class of substances known as empathogenics, which primarily function by increasing the release of ...
Walking provides the best of both worlds, offering physical as well as cognitive benefits easing symptoms related to chronic ...