As embers began raining down on Altadena last week, Jason Salit sent his wife and two college-age children away.
Ryan Pearson, a Los Angeles-based entertainment video editor for The Associated Press, lost his home to the California ...
Whoever sealed our chimney off when the house was converted to gas heat back in the 20th ... And then Los Angeles started burning down. Everywhere I looked were images of residents — new and lifelong, ...
It draws on wildfire researcher Jack Cohen, who encourages us to abandon our thoughts that this was a wildland fire and see it more as an urban fire that leapt from house to house, and fire ...
My son and his family experienced a home fire the Sunday before Christmas. At the time of the ... t wearing or carrying when they left the house. The blessings in the aftermath have been truly ...
A little more than three weeks after losing her home to a fire on the night of Christmas Eve, Flagstaff artist and writer ...
Bryan Strehl, 26, drove up to Upper Hastings Ranch to survey the familiar area. He was born and raised in Pasadena and ...
MATTOON — The Mattoon Police Department has honored a local man for saving a motorist from a burning vehicle last fall. The police department reported in a news release that the rescue occurred ...
Sometimes, the heat from a burning house will ignite a privacy hedge, wooden fence, play structure, pile of firewood, or a car parked in a driveway. With that wood fence aflame, what experts call ...