Launching March 28, hit show doesn't downplay Christ's Jewish roots but takes advice from a Messianic rabbi. Season Five: ...
Some minorities may see benefits in allying with Israel today. Syria is now ruled by a former al-Qaeda leader. A recent ...
Official history asserts that the Jewish people have existed continuously from the time of Abraham to the present day, thanks ...
Pew Research reveals a growing trend of religious disaffiliation worldwide, with significant declines in Christianity and ...
Victoria Woodards, who has said she supports a ceasefire in Gaza, joined a delegation of U.S. mayors in Israel for seven days ...
Facing American indifference to European security, Germany has launched a major rearmament drive. But without U.S. help, can ...
Neither Sarah nor Hagar/Ha-jar are mentioned by name in the Qur’an, but the story of Ha-jar’s exile from Abraham’s home is traditionally understood to be referred to in a line from Ibrāhīm’s prayer in ...
While anchored in the hope that comes from Jesus' resurrection, Catholics should not forget the "tears, despair and ...
Baby names reflect America’s political and religious divides — with Jewish names like Kohen and Mira gaining traction in ...
U.S. adults raised Jewish now describe themselves as religiously unaffiliated. Others practice a different faith.
In the last decade, the Huqoq Excavation Project has found mosaics depicting Noah's Ark, the parting of the Red Sea, and more ...
Artifact daubed with red pattern and trio of animals, considered advanced for its time, discovered near olive press in Yatir ...