The four-minute sketch, which aired during the show’s Dec. 21 episode, relentlessly skewered the Charles Schulz animated classic while making several adults-only jokes.
It’s hard to imagine a holiday season without “A Charlie Brown Christmas ... the heart of the Nativity story in arguably the special’s most pivotal scene. When Charlie Brown joyfully ...
Jewel Brites were popular ornaments of the 1950s and 1960s. They were lightweight and perfect for the novel aluminum Christmas trees. They were popular with families of young children and advertised ...
In the Paul VI Hall – reopened to the public after the holidays (for a private audience with associations dealing with education) – the large nativity scene, which had been a Christmas gift to ...
Ukraine's National Resistance Center (NRC) has reported that Russian authorities in the occupied territories of Ukraine have banned any mention of St Nicholas in educational institutions, as well as ...
The pilgrim Magi remind us that we too are invited to be humble enough to see something new. They help us realize that there is always more to discover in God's mysteries.
8 things you didn’t know about Charles Schulz and ‘Peanuts’ "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz knew the real-life Charlie Brown, and other things that might surprise you about the popular ...
This is the second year of the presepio at the Church of the Good Shepherd which is a popular nativity display in Rome and ...
Kiwi icon Al Brown is as talented and innovative as it gets. He is an entrepreneur, world-leading chef owning some of New Zealand’s greatest restaurant brands, a fisherman and a TV presenter.