The four-minute sketch, which aired during the show’s Dec. 21 episode, relentlessly skewered the Charles Schulz animated classic while making several adults-only jokes.
Discover why the animated classic "A Charlie Brown Christmas" almost never appeared on television because of fears it was too serious.
CBS executives thought the 25-minute program was too slow, too serious and too different from the upbeat spectacles they imagined audiences wanted.
September 5' star Peter Sarsgaard tells PEOPLE that he once purchased a Christmas tree with its root ball intact that he ...
A Charlie Brown Christmas took from a number of Peanuts strips, but this 1961 storyline was the biggest inspiration ...
The former Mehoopany Elementary School building is still teeming with creativity and holiday spirit with the building’s ...
The final Christmas story in Charles Schulz's classic Peanuts series was a spotlight on the character who basically replaced ...
Tony Meiser, elementary principal, was thrilled that this was the sixth annual holiday door decorating contest to be held at CES. This year he has integrated the Leader in Me program into the making ...
When I dropped him off for the first of three rehearsals, we passed a girl crying in front of a sheet of paper taped to a ...
Can't understand the fuss over Hallmark Christmas movies? Never fear! These films have more appeal than ever if you just know ...
MILTON, Vt. (WCAX) - Milton residents are searching for the annual Charlie Brown Christmas tree in the hopes of adding an ornament of their own. “‘There it is!’ I was like a kid in a candy ...
It's hard to imagine the holidays without "A Charlie Brown Christmas." The 1965 broadcast has become a staple of the season for many generations. But this beloved TV special almost didn't make it ...