MALDI-TOF/TOF for every application and every market Bruker has a long history of helping life scientists meet their toughest laboratory challenges. We provide the innovative MALDI TOF and MALDI ...
For easy and successful application of MALDI imaging in the laboratory, Bruker Daltonics offers an innovative product line: a stand-alone automated sample preparation device, ImagePrep â„¢; mass ...
DeutEx is now integrated into the Bruker proteomics ecosystem to support timsTOF, MRMS and MALDI-TOF systems. Dr. Petr Novák, the Head of Structural Biology and Cell Signaling in the Institute of ...
Using the MALDI Biotyper, you can go from sample to result within minutes. MALDI Biotyper systems provide high-speed, high-confidence identification and taxonomical classification of bacteria, yeasts, ...
By combining the speed of Bruker’s patented Smartbeam™ 3D laser technology with the direct-detection capability of mass spectrometry, the rapifleX MALDI PharmaPulse (MPP) delivers ...
By combining the speed of Bruker’s patented Smartbeam™ 3D laser technology with the direct-detection capability of mass spectrometry, the rapifleX MALDI PharmaPulse (MPP) delivers unprecedented ...