Sauntering through your yard, gazing at your prized roses, breathing in their sweet scents mixed in with summer's balminess ...
A bite from a brown recluse spider, or Loxosceles reclusa ... Instead, they use the web as a home or refuge. They eat crawling bugs, like cockroaches, ants, and crickets. Lifespan Brown recluses ...
One of them is the brown recluse spider, whose venom can be fatal ... and the mother sometimes carries it or hangs it on her ...
More likely than not, the critter weaving a web on your ceiling is the former ... What they look like: The brown recluse is a brown spider with a distinct “violin-shaped marking” on the ...
The name “brown ... of a spider being a brown recluse will be its habitual hunting pattern. The brown recluse is active mainly at night, spending its days out of sight in its web.