That seemingly spotless glass, brimming with your go-to tipple, might be teeming with dangerous bacteria according to doctors ...
Most people know about the connection between cigarettes and cancer risk, but does drinking cause cancer? It's something ...
As you might imagine, malt vinegar is sour, but that's not the only flavor. It's tangy and slightly citrusy with some nutty, ...
Alcohol is considered a group one carcinogen.50% increase in ER visits related to alcohol use, especially among middle age ...
No, healthcare providers do not recommend whiskey to help with a cold because alcohol can suppress your immune system. Here’s ...
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars on Amazon, these pocket-sized strips pack a powerful, nose-clearing punch that can do wonders for ...
What you need to clean sports headphones and earbuds. Your tech products go everywhere you do, and they can quickly get dirty ...
Grains of sand and lint can easily get stuck in your phone's ports and crevices. To remove it, we recommend you use Scotch tape. Press it along the creases and speaker, then roll it up and gently ...
Microplastics are everywhere. Meanwhile, colorectal cancer rates are rising in young adults. Could there be a connection?
It is still debatable whether alcohol can cause IBS. There is not enough evidence to provide a solid answer. However, IBS may ...
Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental Alcohol-associated car crashes claim the lives of about 13,500 people annually in the U.S. Fittingly, billboards ...
Item That Carries 10 Times More Bacteria Than a Toilet Seat . When it comes to the dirtiest object in a household, cell ...