Reports say the PKK will likely convene in Iraq next month for a final decision on dissolution as veteran politician Devlet ...
Iraq’s Development Road aims to reduce dependence on oil by turning the country into a key trade corridor between Asia and ...
This January, a Turkish court sentenced Sofya Alağaş, a Kurdish journalist and elected co-mayor of Siirt municipality, to six ...
The HIndu profiles on Abdullah Öcalan, former PKK leader, calls for peace and dissolution of the group after decades of ...
The inhabitants of Syrian Kurdistan are surrounded by urgent threats and challenges: attacks from Turkish troops, the ...
The Kurdish forces, then, appear to believe that swallowing this bitter pill is the only way to preserve their social base ...
Turkey on Thursday called on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to “immediately and unconditionally” disband and surrender its weapons, following a call by the group’s jailed founder Abdullah ...
The PKK’s unilateral disarmament marks a potential turning point in Kurdish relations with the Turkish state, but challenges ...
The iconic leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, Abdullah Öcalan, has urged the militant group to lay down arms ...
Defense Ministry sources said the deadline for the PKK terrorist group to disarm itself was 'immediately' and that the group ...
Fidan’s last-ditch effort failed, with Assad’s brutal 2011 crackdown leaving him to deal with the repercussions of a civil war that sent millions of refugees across Turkey’s border, enabled the rise ...
Syria's national dialogue, held in Damascus at the end of February, was intended to chart the country's future, one that ...