The construction of a new three-storey pavilion of the hospital in Spisska Nova Ves (Kosice region) has been officially launched on Monday with Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) in ...
The amount of damage after the floods is not yet known, but it should amount to millions of euros, not hundreds of millions or billions like in t ...
Copyright © TASR 2024. Publikovanie alebo ďalšie šírenie obsahu správ zo zdrojov TASR je bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu TASR výslovne zakázané. Dizajn a programovanie realizovala spoločnosť ...
If the conditions for the extent of the damage are met, the European Union Solidarity Fund could be used to cope with the consequences of the current floods in Slovakia, Investments, Regional ...
The situation in Bratislava caused by adverse weather remains serious, with the borough of Devinska Nova Ves most critical, where the evacuation of inhabitants of several streets has been launched, ...
The opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) are calling on the government to enable a general fix of the Penal Code in cooperation with real experts, as KDH considers the fact that the recently amended ...
The opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) respect the decision of MP Martina Holeckova to leave their party, which is her free choice, thanking her for the time she spent in their ranks, TASR learnt ...
MP Martina Holeckova is leaving the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH), TASR learnt from Holeckova's social network post on Monday. According to her post, Holeckova can no longer be part of a ...
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - The level of the Danube River in Bratislava is expected to peak at around 950 centimetres in the morning hours of Tuesday (September 17), and precipitation in ...
New York 17. septembra (TASR) – Spoločnosť Meta v pondelok oznámila, že zakázala ruským štátnym médiám vrátane televízie RT a mediálnej skupiny Rossija Segodňa prístup na svoje platformy. Odôvodnila t ...
Bratislava 16. septembra (TASR) - Dunaj v Bratislave kulminuje. Výška vodného stavu osciluje okolo 950 centimetrov. V Devíne sa hĺbka vody v Dunaji pohybuje okolo 900 centimetrov. Slovenský hydrometeo ...
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - Representatives of local authorities praised the cooperation with the state as well as between all deployed forces in dealing with the consequences of bad weather and ...