What are oak gall wasps? Oaks, especially the native species Quercus robur and Q. petraea are the host plants for more than 70 species of cynipid gall wasp. It is the larval stage of these insects ...
The prestigious RHS Medals and Awards are handed out as the Show opens. Take a tour of the gardens and see if you agree with ...
Malvern Autumn Show celebrates the best of the harvest with fruit & veg competitions, awards for vintage dress, cake bakes ...
Iconic and romantic, our native foxgloves are instantly recognisable – their spires of purple bells adorning woodland clearings and cottage gardens. And now, with new hybrids and different species ...
Timing The main pruning season is late winter to early spring, but some can also be pruned in early summer after their first flush of flowers Although there are numerous clematis species, hybrids and ...
These compact trees come in a range of elegant shapes, with a fine tracery of branches. Some are distinctly upright, while others are more spreading, weeping or cascading. The attractive leaves are ...
Most vegetable gardens can accommodate winter crops. Some vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, take up a lot of space for a long time but are still well-worth the investment. Choose an open site with ...
The show season is from late-summer until early winter, with most shows occurring in late summer and early autumn. Although there are classes at some flower shows specifically for the biggest ...
Climbing honeysuckles have twining stems with green or variegated leaves. They have clusters of trumpet-like blooms, with colours ranging from creamy-white, through yellow to red, that are often ...
A rounded, medium-sized bushy evergreen shrub, with dark, glossy green leaves divided into three broad leaflets. Flowers pure white, scented, often appearing fitfully into winter ...
Broccoli, or sprouting broccoli, is a delicious, nutritious and easy-to-grow member of the cabbage family. It forms multiple small clusters of purple or white A bud is a small, undeveloped shoot that ...
Long, vigorous thorny stems (thornless in a few cases) are covered in large, often richly scented flowers, held singly or in small clusters. Many flower over a long period in summer and autumn, making ...