The painting of the dicynodont made by the San people of South Africa. Credit: Julien Benoit In the rugged landscapes of ...
In the heart of Lake Bolsena, in the Italian province of Viterbo, lies an archaeological treasure that has remained hidden ...
In a recent article titled How the Dutch Ate Their Prime Minister in 1672, we recounted a military event carried out by the ...
Hammurabi, the sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon, is not only remembered for his famous legal code but also for ...
En el corazón del lago de Bolsena, en la provincia italiana de Viterbo, se esconde un tesoro arqueológico que durante siglos ...
El panel de la Serpiente Cornuda es una sección de la pared de roca que presenta obras de arte de animales y otros elementos ...
En un reciente artículo, titulado Cómo los holandeses se comieron a su primer ministro en 1672, reseñábamos un hecho de armas ...