Abdullah Mohammed, Diyar’s uncle, told his brother’s tragic story, all he heard was a shout “Dad!” young man who drowned in ...
"Water is prosperity, and further reconstruction and development of Kurdistan is our current and future program," stated PM ...
PM Masrour Barzani expressed optimism that, upon completion, the Dwin Dam and the restoration of historical sites will ...
In his Kurdish-language post, President Pezeshkian announced the signing of 14 cooperation agreements between Iran and Iraq, ...
Prime Minister Masrour Barzani recommended operation of Qushtapa Water Project, the allocated budge is 189 billion and 670 ...
The push for the changes comes mainly from powerful Shiite Muslim political factions backed by religious leaders that have ...
The three men in their 30s, whose names were not disclosed and who are not Finnish citizens, were detained in Helsinki, ...
In his opening address, the Coordinator for International Advocacy Dr. Dindar Zebari underscored the KRG's extensive ...
Khalil countered these claims, asserting that the Peshmerga are not a sectarian force but rather an organized and essential ...
Berlin announced the sweeping measure last week following a string of deadly extremist attacks that have stoked public fears ...
"Harvesting our rainwater and springs is one of our main measures to combat climate change and the consequences of drought." ...
The demonstration turned violent as security forces attempted to disperse the crowd, leading to arrests and minor injuries ...