The Court has changed substantially since the 19th century, and the tradition of life tenure should be viewed in this ...
Significant exceptions and loopholes, along with a lack of enforcement mechanisms, undermine the law that prevents military ...
The ruling in Trump v. United States is an affront to democracy and the rule of law, forfeiting critical checks on executive ...
In 2019, executives at the engineering firm Navatek used straw donors to illegally funnel $52,000 to Sen. Susan Collins’s ...
In a victory for voters, a federal judge struck down a provision that chilled voter outreach efforts by community ...
The Posse Comitatus Act bars the armed forces from serving as civilian police, but loopholes and exceptions make it ripe for ...
Milov-Cordoba holds a bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, in law, jurisprudence, and social thought from Amherst College and ...
In advance of the election, judges should educate themselves on election administration and develop emergency response ...
Life Tenure Is a Rarity on State Supreme Courts The U.S. Supreme Court should follow the example of 49 states, where justices ...
Prior to joining the Brennan Center, Morales-Doyle was a shareholder at Despres, Schwartz & Geoghegan, Ltd., in Chicago. He ...
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